A Guide to the Four Percent Withdrawal Rule

For most, planning for retirement starts with the question, “Have I saved up enough money to support me through retirement and the rest of my life?” The four percent withdrawal rule is known mainly for its simplicity in attempting to answer this exact question. Here, we will delve into what the four percent rule entails, its origins, and whether you should use it to make one of the most critical decisions in your life.

The four percent withdrawal rule is a simplistic retirement planning guideline on whether you have built up your nest egg enough to retire. The rule assumes that four percent is the amount you can withdraw from your nest egg for approximately 30 years, without reducing the principal of your savings. Financial planner William P. Bengen characterized the four percent rule in the early 1990s. Bengen conducted extensive research using historical market data to determine a withdrawal rate to sustain retirees through various market conditions. The four percent rule is just one of many “rules of thumb” in personal finance. These guidelines offer quick, back-of-the-napkin approaches to complex financial decisions. Other examples include the 25x rule for retirement savings (aiming for a nest egg 25 times your annual expenses).

While the four percent rule is backed by research and data, it is important to note that you should not rely on it to plan your retirement. Even Bengen, the rule’s creator, claims it has become oversimplified by many. Several factors influence the four percent rule’s suitability, and being aware of these limitations can help you make more informed decisions about your retirement planning.

  • Goals and lifestyle: The rule doesn’t consider your goals or lifestyle in retirement, whether you want to spend more in the early retirement years on traveling or create a gifting plan for your favorite charity.
  • Market Conditions: The 4% rule was developed in 1994 based on historical market data. Economic shifts, interest rates, and market volatility can impact the sustainability of this withdrawal rate. How markets performed leading up to 1994 does not guarantee future results beginning today.
  • Your retirement plan should include your life expectancy and potential healthcare costs. Depending solely on a fixed withdrawal rate may not account for longer life spans. The four percent rule uses a time frame of ~30 years. With early retirement and longer life expectancies, your time horizon could be well over 30 years.
  • Additional Income Sources: The rule doesn’t consider additional sources of income such as pension plans, business income, or social security income. These other income sources can supplement your retirement savings and alter your withdrawal strategy.
  • Spending Principal: This rule is designed to preserve the initial investment and prevent its depletion. However, it’s crucial to assess your objectives to determine if protecting the principal is necessary.

Planning for retirement is unique for everyone and requires careful and well thought out analysis. While the rule serves as a guideline, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. At Heritage Wealth Architects, we understand that your financial situation is unique. Our planning team considers additional factors impacting your life, such as taxes, investments, risk management, and legacy planning. No matter how complex your situation, our team’s dedication to creating a robust and personalized retirement plan goes beyond simplistic rules.

Source: Determining Withdrawal Rates with Historical Data – William Bengen (1994)